All Announcements

Updates to Signatory information on the repository

Q4 24
SpotDraft Sign
All Users

 Product Area: Contract Repository

 Impact of Change: New feature

 Roles Impacted: All users


We’re bringing you two great updates in the context of signatories on the repository.

Updated signatory filters!

  • Under filters, you can now go into “Signatures” and select very granularly which filter condition you want.
  • You can see signatures Pending on, Completed by, and Rejected by users, both internal and external. If you’re status agnostic, you can just find contracts by their signatory.
  • If you’re agnostic to users, you can also find all contracts where signatures are in a certain status. For example, to find all contracts where a signature is pending on someone, you can use Signatures -> Pending on -> Any user.

Try out all these combinations for yourself! As usual, these filters can help you create powerful views and reports on top of these views! I’m excited to see the use-cases this unlocks for our customers.

Signatory information as a column!

  • Under “Manage Columns”, you will now find a new optional column called “Signatories”. Use this to display signatory information of a contract right on the repository.
  • If a contract is in redlining, you will see the name of the signatories that have been added.
  • If a contract is currently in signing, you will see the status of the signature alongside.
How to Enable: This is available for all workspaces.

Relevant Resources: NA 
