Updated related contracts UX
Product Area:
Contract Relationships
Impact of Change:
Quality of life
Roles Impacted:
All users
Firstly, we’ve gone ahead and made a significant change to the UI of the related documents panel. The interactions are cleaner, and the information is clearer, and we’ve added counterparty as an extra identifier.
Secondly, we realized a lot of potentially related contracts are not linked with each other but users still navigate between them frequently. To make this easier, we’ve gone ahead and introduced the concept of “Suggested” relationships. These are simply the last 3 contracts that have a common counterparty. To add this as a related document (and have it show up in the repository), you can simply click on “Add as a Related Document” and choose the right relationship type.
This, for most purposes, should identify the right related contracts for a given counterparty, and we’re excited to see this helps customers organize their documents better.
How to Enable: This is available for all workspaces.