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Shortened Signing Link via Get Link option

All Users
Q3 24

 Product Area: Native E-Sign, Summary Page, Get Link

 Impact of Change:Simplifies the sharing of signing links across various channels due to shorter URLs.

 Roles Impacted:BU, Editors and Admins


When a contract is sent out for signature, users can also share a signing link via Get Link feature through the summary page to share across other channels such as Whatsapp, SMS, etc. Previously, this link was long and cumbersome, making it difficult for users to share via channels like email, SMS, or WhatsApp.

What's New:

We've shortened the shareable signing link from a lengthy URL like: 

to a concise format like: 

This streamlined link makes it easier to share signing links across different platforms

How to Enable:Enabled for all all workspaces where Get Link feature is enabled

Relevant Resources: No resources at this time
