Move metadata between sections
Product Area:
Contract Metadata
Impact of Change:
Roles Impacted:
All users
For metadata created under custom sections (not General or Lifecycle), we’re introducing a new affordance for clean organization.
You can now move metadata fields between different custom sections for a given contract type!
To do this,
- head to the contract metadata settings
- go to a contract type
- choose a metadata field that you want to move to a different section
- click on the three dots and hit “Move to a different section”
- select where you want to move the metadata
With this change, we can encourage our customers to create as many sections as they want for neat organization, without fearing they might put metadata in the wrong section!
General and Lifecycle metadata can NOT be moved in and out of sections.
Note:Alongside this change, we’ve also deprecated child metadata (fka sub-key pointers). Going forward, sections should be used for management of metadata fields. All existing child metadata fields have been preserved, but new ones cannot be created.
How to Enable: This is available for all workspaces.