All Announcements

DraftMate Integration with Microsoft Word for Desktop [BETA]

Q4 24
All Users

 Product Area: Contract Editing/Review

 Impact of Change: New Integration

 Roles Impacted: Legal Users/Editors


Users can now access the DraftMate plugin within the SpotDraft editor to collaborate on documents using Microsoft Word.

Things to note:

  1. If users have DraftMate installed, they will be automatically re- directed to comment pane for the contract when they open DraftMate if they are editing via WebDAV
  2. The feature accessibility on DraftMate is maintained. It supports tagging, internal and external comments, and access to clause library.
  3. DraftMate also shows the time at which the last version was saved to SpotDraft i.e., when they hit command/ctrl + s
How to Enable: This feature is enabled in beta, by default, on all the workspaces using Word for Desktop.

Relevant Resources: Help Center Documentation 

